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Biblical Astrology

  Alright, so I figured you all saw this coming! Many religious people, traditionally, Christians, denounce the existence of Astrology. This has been common since Astrology is a science, and there is no divinity in it and its study. Being such a mathematical and practical form of nature, religion wants nothing to do with it; mostly because it can be explained by physical means leaving no room for embellishment or variables to manipulate. Astrology is mentioned many times in the Bible. Preferably in the beginning with the forming of the planets and Earth, animals, humans and etc. Most would like t rely on everything happening in the Bible as the 'word of God' instead of nature taking care of itself.  So let's get into it, why is it important to dive into such a subject? Because a lot of the things that have occurred in the Bible can be explained if not properly translated to Astrological events and patterns. Things such as Retrogrades, Squares, Trines, Sun Seasons and Moon P...

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