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The Messy Witch

So Lovies, lets talk about the messy truth of being a spiritual 'artist' from inspiration, creation, trial and error and products that click. This business is messy by nature, wax, oils, herbs, powder, dirt oh my! If you were a messy child, you will have no problem accepting the disorganization of blending herbs to oils, molding wax candles, and adding fragrance to salts and perfumes. This is more of a left brain capacity skill. Not to say if you are more intellectual that it is impossible to do this work, but you may not enjoy it as much. You likely left crayons all over your room regularly because it was not a priority to the outcome. Why would I bring this up? There are so many creators out there who may not be the neatest, organized, or definitively structured who possess extraordinary creative and artistic gifts! And oftentimes become intimidated by the minimalistic, modern, and clean pallet of society. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for spiritual artists! They

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